Manada 2020
Garments for life

est. 2009 Punta DEL ESTE
La interacción con los elementales de la tierra, el aire, el agua y el fuego fue en mi siempre una fuerza innata.
De niña los Elementos fueron mi refugio… De grande, ellos son mi inspiración, mi plegaria, mi armonía y mis maestros para encontrar la Belleza.
The interaccion with the elementals of the Earth, Air, fire,water was in me always an innate strenth. As a child the elements were my refuge. Now they are my inspiration, my prayer, my harmony and my teachers in my search of Beauty.
I am a weaver, dreamy of wefts and warps that I weave to hold the Love, to shelter the soul , as the music that in rythms and patterns it unwraps a presence that unifies worlds and shelters the heart…thats how I weave.